Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Island Roads

Many of you have asked about the roads down here and why we didn't want to bring my Camry Hybrid. Take a drive down our driveway, which is 3/4 a mile and you'll understand why. Mom & I spent 3.5 Hours our first Saturday here filling in the ruts with huge rocks, while Michael weed whacked the jungle that was trying to take over. Hard work and still a bumpy ride up, but SOOO much better than it was.
Something else to get used to...driving on the left! Unlike other countries that drive on the left, the steering wheel stays on the left here so it's like being a postman everyday. Rules are reversed so you go left on red here. Why do they drive like this? Michael tells me it's because back in the days where mules and carriages were the main means of transportation, the mules chose to walk on the left. When cars were introduced they refused to move and walk on the right so that's how it remains today. Pretty amazing!

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